It’s a resilient place the world
And its beauty is still breathtaking, its potential still astonishing
And as for the mess we’ve made, we can change it
Let’s get the world on board
We give a damn
We want to DO something.
We’re FRUSTRATED with the government.
We REFUSE to stand by and watch.
We’re ready to step up.
But it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Too much information, too much to address, too small a difference, too little headspace in the hectic day to day…just not knowing where to start.
“We have it in our power to begin the world over again
So, shall we?
We’ll do the smarts and get the full scoop on what we need to know.
We’ll whittle it all down to ONE action a week. A new habit, a swap, a choice, a stand. Simple.
And then we do it together.
With some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style
We all have
P O W E R.
Let’s make some magic
Our opening lines shortened from a quote by Salman Rushdie, who we are hoping will let us off given our mission.
Is that ok Mr Rushdie?