We are Aimee Higgins
and Sonia Lakshman
and in April 2019
we had the biggest
wake up call of our lives.
In a perfect storm of Extinction Rebellion’s London protests, Greta Thunberg’s searing speech to the EU and reading the book Losing Earth published that very week, it struck us square between the eyes. We were facing a climate emergency. Not climate change, an emergency. The message? If we don’t act now, said 99% of the world’s brightest scientific minds, our children face starvation and our world faces social collapse.
We were stunned. We’d always been cognisant of global warming, but had no idea what a critical point we were at. How could we have been unaware of this? Why had we not known sooner, nor everyone else? Why was it not in the news headlines every single day?
We just did not know how to respond. All we had were more questions. Could we make a difference, would it even count? What could we do beyond being more conscious consumers? What was big business and government doing about this? Could we influence them and if so how? Whatever the answers, we knew we couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. We had to take part and make all the difference we could. We needed to turn our fear and powerlessness into positive, impactful, manageable action.
So we decided we would begin with where we got stuck. We’d tackle our own obstacles - time, overwhelm, ignorance - which we also knew were everyone else’s. We’d remove these by researching the facts, whittling them down to an easy action that we could act on one at a time. And then we’d share it, so everyone who wanted to could join in.
We’ve brought together the best of our talents. Aimee is driven by making a positive impact at scale - professionally, she leads on business engagement in schools and colleges across England to prepare and inspire young people for the world of work. She’s a ninja researcher and loves making things grow through people and community. As a personal and leadership coach Sonia works with people who want to live fulfilled, expressive, lives and become the best they can be. She brings her love of surfacing new narratives and a mind that sees patterns, connections, ideas and possibility in everything.
Together, we’re on a mission to empower all of us to play our part in rejuvenating our planet and creating the world we want our children, ourselves and all the life on earth to have. We’re noticing as we do this, that despite our deep concern, we’re happier, more connected, less rushed, with a feeling of more agency in this beautiful world that is our shared home.
““It’s our responsibility to preserve and cherish
the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known”
Carl Sagan”