Why? Because happy buzzers and tweeters make us happy too.
Wild things make our hearts sing.
Ah, are we all going to have a lovely time with this one! We’ve got 5 ideas to keep our garden creatures happy all summer long. Take your pick or choose them all. Love has no limits!
For the birds
We’ve sorted their paddling pools so now let’s get them their poolside cafe. Summer birds are grateful for extra treats, as many are busy raising their young, so a good bird feeder with quality seeds will have them happy.
For the butterflies and the bees
Butterflies love marjoram and thyme and so do the bees. Pretty flowers too. Nip out, get a plant, pop it in the soil…wait and watch.
Revive a tired bee. Bees can run out of fuel and get exhausted. If you see one on the ground not looking very happy, mix a little sugar and water in equal measure and dribble a little next to the bee or place in a spoon by its side. With a bit of luck it will suck up, perk up and be off! (Note: do not use honey. And don’t leave sugar water lying around. ER only.)
For the inbetweens
Find some space in your garden underneath a shrub or bush and pile up some moist twigs, bark or small logs. That’s a great place for beetles and other critters to have their homes. And before you crinkle your nose at them, they are super important in nature and will be a nice dinner too for the birds, frogs etc. Sorry bugs, circle of life!
If you have a lawn, leave little patches alone when you mow it, especially if they turn into dandelions and wild grasses, or leave some of the taller weeds in your beds. They make great hide-outs and creatures love having a little oasis. And before you protest, weeds are important pollinators, we’re just being lookist.
Post your summer tips or questions in the box below. And…is there something you’re proud of, big or small (radishes harvested, birdbath installed)? Email us, so we can feature you on our Weekly Shout Out. Everyone loves it and it’s a real boost, don’t be shy!
Aimee: I want to get a proper bird bath rather than the make-shift attempt that the birds are ignoring so I’ll double-down - new pool and poolside cafe coming right up! I also need to remember not to put the bird feeder near the wall as there are a few confident cats prowling about nearby..!
Sonia: I heard about marjoram and planted some last year. It’s true. Butterfly magnet! And…I know spiders are important and I have nothing against them, but I do walk around the garden clearing their non-stop webs. No way, they are snaring and snacking on my sweet bees.
“Summer loving had me a blast”
Photo: Dfkt