Why? Because PPE waste is another huge fallout from the pandemic.
If every person in the UK used one single-use mask each day for a year, it would mean an extra 66,000 TONNES of plastic waste.
FINALLY, face masks are compulsory in shops and supermarkets. Hallelujah. Reason prevails!
But…many of the commercially available masks are made from layers of plastics and designed to be single-use. Sales have gone through the roof, and they’re adding to landfill and the onslaught on our oceans. That’s not counting the latex gloves. Environmentalists are literally waiting for the first mask they find inside a dead marine animal! They predict a slew of plastic waste that will plague the planet for decades.
Crazy thing is that the WHO recommends fabric masks for social distancing, the kind of face-covering we can easily make at home.
[Important. NONE of this is medical advice. For regularly updated advice on what mask to wear go here.]
Our understanding: We shouldn't be buying medical-grade masks, such as N95s, as they divert essential supplies from frontline health workers. What we want are the resusable, washable ones. Ideally we want ones with multiple layers of fabric for additional filtration, or a filter pocket (though the tissue means additional paper waste). And we need to be able to remove it just using the straps and not touching our face or the front of the mask.
Here’s a brilliant 1 minute how-to on making a No Sew version.
And our picks of the ethical best: All these are double/multi-lined,organic cotton or linen (some of the least harmful fabrics to the planet) and made by smallish makers in the UK or the EU. There’s obviously a ton of others, as well as those from the mainstream brands and supermarkets.
Will it cost me more?
Yes, up front. Then not.
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Aimee: I’m lucky enough to have a retired mother who can sew! So quite early into lockdown I received my personal reusable fabric face mask. However, when I was proudly showing it to her in situ, turns out I was wearing it inside out - the plain blue was meant to be outside and the funky pattern was meant to be the lining and just for the edges…oops! Top tip: if you wear glasses, put the mask under your glasses so you don’t steam up.
Sonia: I ordered some black washable ones a while back, totally morbid, make me feel like I was in the Zombie Apocalypse! Ironically, I’m currently sitting in the hospital wearing my black death accessory whilst I write this. In the interests of not wasting, I’ll try to resist ordering some new, happier ones. Can’t guarantee it though. (On the flip side Aimee did turn up looking like a Laura Ashley sofa in her patterned one, so maybe all is not emerald on the other side…)
“Let’s get it on”
Photo: De An Sun