Why? Because the waste is COLOSSAL
Where does ‘disposable’ get disposed to? On Planet Earth there is no ‘away’…
We’ve already talked about cotton buds, makeup pads, face wipes and tissues in Part 1.
Now we turn our attention apprehensively to the waste mountain that is disposable razors/cartridges, menstrual products and deodorants - almost NONE of which are recyclable. You can just picture it, can’t you? Looking at the UK alone, with its 66 million people…say a third of which (hopefully) use some or all of these most days. What lies before our imaginations is a landfill of colossal proportions and oceans full of things you don’t really want to think about. Multiply that by the equivalent waste that’s produced by other countries, the affluent ones in particular. Horrifying!
Seems like we’ve all not long woken up to this. We really have been sleeping!!! Fortunately when humans do wake up, we are resourceful at coming up with alternatives…voila…
Killer swaps
There’s loads of choice on the market and a quick search will take you to a bewildering selection, enough to have you break out into a sweat! Aimee has more or less tried the lot. Here’s her verdict. The shorter list in the Shop too.
* Takes a bit of adjusting to switch to a safety razor (like the ones some of our dads used to use). But then you’re up and off. Get replacement blades here. Unbelievably cheap £5.99 for 100 blades! No more Venus/Gilette rip off.
Will it cost me more money?
Up front yes, then you’ll save a stash.
Have a comment? Please post it in the box below. Is there something you’re proud of, big or small (bamboo toothbrush, hummus homemade)? Email us, so we can feature you on our Weekly Shout Out. Everyone loves it!
Will it cost me more money?
It’ll cost more up front but then, that’s it. You’ll save a stash.
Aimee: I have made all these swaps now and I can say the bathroom is much less cluttered and it feels really good. I’ve tried and tested a lot of things on the way so get in touch to ask any questions on alternatives you’ve seen and I’ll happily share my experiences.
Sonia: Aimee is our undisputed Head of Products. Basically she tells me what to get and I get it. Having said that she tried a deo brand that she didn’t like and palmed it off on to me. I don’t like it either and now I’m stuck with it (and the refills), or suffering the guilt of throwing it out. That’s treacherous, opportunistic, shameful behaviour, Aim.
“There is no ‘away’”
Photo: Alex