Why? Because they lift us up where we belong
Attentiveness makes us more creative, happier
Hands up those of us who have had rather A LOT of screen time this week? One Zoom meeting (or party) too many? Maybe you’ve been worrying or not sleeping too well…
Step outside gang, for a little bit of sky magic. We’re going to go cloudspotting, naming the kinds we see, or conjuring rich imaginings. Why on earth? Well, try it (a guide below). You’ll almost certainly find, that casting our eyes upwards towards the sky, immediately lifts our perspective. You’ll certainly notice how clear and clean the air is, now there are no planes or pollution. You might agree, it’s really fun to get to know our planet well, a certain pleasure in knowing what things are called, or just to gaze upon them. And when our attention settles, and we look with wonder, we become really present, we calm, we clear, we slow down. We return…
Should you think we’ve gone entirely off brief, what’s the climate context? A fast consumptive world, is a damaged, troubled one. A slow, appreciative world, is a healing one. Plus it’s Earth Day on April 22 and we don’t want to leave The Sky out now, do we?
Ok, so I’m stepping out (or looking out the window)…
For the nerds and the insatiably curious among us - you may remember geography class - here are some of the ones we may recognise…
This book is amazing for more. If the scientific names are not your thing, you can just lie back, imagine all kinds of crazy look-a-like shapes, and have a mighty fine time doing that. Plus there is always the possibility of a well intentioned sky gaze turning into a delicious nap. Oops, was I supposed to be working?!
Post your cloud-spotting pics and tag us on Insta or FB, go on…
And…is there something you’re proud of, big or small (a snail rescued, a bike repaired)?
Email us, so we can feature you on our Weekly Shout Out. We love you and want you!
Aimee: I can’t believe I’m friends with someone who is a cloudspotter - is that like train spotting?! However, I have to agree that looking up at the sky, helps me connect back with nature and breathe, and that’s priceless right now. Also, here’s my personal fave cloud….
Sonia: Many years ago, one of my dearest friends, bought me the heavenly and hilarious Cloudspotters Guide, together with membership of The Cloud Appreciation Society. No scoffing, Aim, no it is not like trainspotting! I’m loftily proud. So, back to our clouds… in the top picture I think I see a Stratocumulus, masquerading as an otter, a snail, a sheep and a whale. Contented sigh. What do you see?
“When you wish upon a cloud...”
Photo: Scott Webb