Why? Because we see more plastic on our beaches than wildlife and everyone is joining in to clear up!
The UK is the 2nd biggest producer of plastic waste per person in the world behind only the USA
The plastic in our oceans was plenty bad enough but now thanks to the slew of PPE, single use masks and gloves from the pandemic it’s a total environmental and wildlife disaster!!
But we can all help! The brilliant Surfers Against Sewage have launched the equally brilliant Million Mile Clean. The idea? 100,000 volunteers walk 10 miles over the course of a year, cleaning the places they love. And that adds up to… One Million Miles of UK Beach Cleaned! Genius.
It’s not just good for the oceans, sea creatures, land creatures and beaches, it’s good for us. After more than a year of being cooped up and not able to see anyone, what could be better than getting some sea air, doing something that makes a beautiful difference and a bunch of good-eggs to do it with. Up for it? There’s lots of ways to join in. It doesn’t have to be a beach, it could be by your street or green space, it all counts toward the One Million Mile goal. AND we’ve organised one just for all of us if you’d like to join in! Details below…
Here’s how.
UPDATE: Due to unforeseen personal circumstances, the beach clean we had planned for 18 July is no longer going ahead. Apologies to anyone who wanted to join - please find another one using the links below or send us an email and we’ll keep you posted with any future cleans we plan!
Head here to join a clean or create your own clean or do a Mini Beach Clean whenever you want. You need to use Strava ( a quick download from the App store if you don’t use it already) to track it and it adds up on to the total. Simples! You can turn it on even when you’re walking down the street anytime anywhere and pick up litter and it will all go towards the total.
And if you want to go the extra mile sign this petition calling on the UK Government to make sure the ocean is at the forefront of climate negotiations at the critical climate summit in the UK at the end of this year.
Aimee & Sonia: We’re off to pick up litter…
Have a comment? Please post it in the box below. And are you proud of something, big or small Email us, so we can feature you on our Shout Out. And don’t forget to use the help desk if you have a question or request and the eco shop to buy the non-stuff stuff you need.
“Time is short and there is much to be done”