Project complete
The ecological emergency is just as much of a threat to our existence as the climate emergency - they’re really two sides of the same coin.
So when we worked with Helen and Chris at Make It Wild, sponsoring the planting of a small area of dedicated woodland in one of their protected North Yorkshire Nature Reserves, it was about much more than simply planting trees. It was contributing to the creation of a precious bio-diverse habitat for the many species which rely on woodland, restoring intricate, fragile ecosystems vital to the circle of life. We’re looking forward to seeing it flourish into lovely woods, welcoming back flora and fauna, in the fullness of time.
Our Club Membership Pot provided the funds for 35 young trees, which were planted on 28 January 2020. We chose a native deciduous mix that will flourish into a timeless part of the landscape for years to come - birches and oaks, hawthorn to keep the deer away at bay, flowering cherries and rowans that the birds love…
All club members are welcome to visit, spend some time n the woods or go along for one of Make It Wild’s volunteer days. They’d love to have you.
Contact Helen to arrange
“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees...
Henry David Thoreau”