Why? Because what we can recycle, is almost as surprising as what we can’t
UK retailers hand out an estimated 11.2bn paper receipts every year, but many can’t be recycled.
We’re talking beyond cardboard, cans and bottles, naturally.
We were pretty surprised by some of them and it really helped with the whole “I’m-not-sure-and-I’ll-hover-about-and walk-back-and-forth-between-bins-and-then-fling-it-in-or-not-and-hope-for-the-best” affliction.
Familiar? Thought so!
So without further ado, here’s the list…
Ok, let’s do this
There’s a a full list on the brilliant Recycle Now, but here’s our pick of the most common confusions…
Windowed envelopes - don’t need to remove the window, the sticky bits are fine too.
Tetra Pak cartons - often been a cause for furrowed brows. Get 2 thumbs up.
Tomato puree tubes (and other aluminium tubes) - just remove the plastic caps which are too small and throw them away. All set.
Pizza boxes - fine to recycle provided they’re empty, make sure there’s NO food AT ALL. Don’t worry if they’re greasy though, that’s ok.
Junk mail and flyers - we often wondered if this was OK given they’re glossy. They just have to pass the scrunch test. Doesn't spring back? That’s recyclable.
Sprays - The squirty pumps are fine, it’s the hand pumps (like handwash) that aren’t.
Receipts - the ones printed on glossy (thermal paper) can’t be recycled. Refuse them, or, where it’s an option and you need a receipt, ask them to be emailed to you.
Black ready meal & sushi trays - the sensors on the machines at the recycling plants don’t pick them up - dammit - so they’re non-recyclable in practice! Shops are starting to change their packaging - e.g. Waitrose now sell ready meals in white and grey packaging. Avoid the black plastic where you can. And carry your own cutlery.
Tissues and kitchen towel- not recyclable! They can be composted though.
Laminated foil pouches (pet, baby food, coffee etc). No, but if you use a lot of these, look for specialty drop-offs that are springing up around the country.
Wine bottle corks - good for compost or mulch for plants if cut up. Not recyclable.
And if it still wasn’t clear….disposable coffee cups cannot be recycled. The lining is made from plastic so they go straight to landfill. Seriously, if you haven’t, get a reusable cup.
Any missing that you struggle with, or think we should all know about? Post your tips or questions in the comments box below or on our socials.
AND especially…is there something you’re proud of, big or small (a black tray shunned, a cork retrieved, a company talked to)? Email us, so we can feature you on our Weekly Shout Out. Everyone loves it and it’s a real boost, don’t be shy!
Aimee: So I used to throw kitchen towels and tissues into the recycling thinking ‘well it’s just paper’....oops - sorry!!! And I was starting to feel guilty about crisp packets and every bag of Thai Sensations. But luckily….I can now take them to my local TerraCycle collection point in town! Boom!
Sonia: Who knew about wine corks! They’ve been going into my recycling for years! Seriously councils, give everyone a list. Might have to make a phone call.
“Ain’t No Junk In This Trunk
Photo: Olena Sergienko