Why? Before we can intelligently change things we need to be aware of the current status quo.
Recycling is absolutely vital, but really we need to find ways of using (much) less.
But isn’t it all recycled anyway?
There’s a lot of waste that isn’t recyclable at all. It ends up in landfill (if we’re lucky), giving off greenhouse gas emissions once it’s there.
Recyclable does not mean recycled. Get this - 91% of the world’s plastic is not recycled. Plus the actual recycling takes vast energy.
Crucially rubbish and recycling services are crumbling under the volume, they can’t cope.
Not forgetting that everything we discard took energy and the earth’s resources to make in the first place.
Ok got it. So how do I take action?
Let’s first consciously record our existing levels of waste. For now, don’t change anything.
Pick a day. Carry a (reusable) bag while you’re out and throw in all your waste as you go. Include everything (chocolate wrappers, crisp packets, etc).
Make it a family challenge and ask everyone to do it, you want a household measure. When everyone comes back with theirs, add it to the relevant bins in your home.
Spot check for common culprits that make it in. Narrow that down to 3 main items that are avoidable (e.g. bottles) vs tricky to avoid (e.g. medicine blister packs).
Mark and date a tide line on your bin on collection day - ideally with a permanent marker. If you’ve different bins, mark them all - general waste, recycling, food - the lot!
Collectively declare your joint goal, e.g ‘We’re going to reduce this by 50% in a month, rah!’
Go for an immediate quick win to kick you off!
But will it cost me more money?
Some changes will. For example fruit wrapped in plastic can cost more than loose fruit(!!), though should balance out overall. Plastic on the other hand literally costs us the earth.
Our quick wins…
Aimee: I started cooking my own lunch and taking it to work in Tupperware - no more daily throwaway packaging from sandwiches, snacks, etc. Saved me A LOT of money too. Big win!
Sonia: I got quite belligerent and refused to buy food in plastic. I switched to veg from a local supplier and now go to a refill store. Made SUCH a difference to the tide and I feel happy.
“There is no magic rubbish place in the sky”
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