Why? Single-use plastics are a serious climate change hazard.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (the floating mass of plastic in the ocean) is three times the size of France. Soon to be rechristened The Great Garbage Continent.
Plastic contributes to greenhouse gas emissions at every stage of its lifecycle from cradle to grave. They’re made from petrol hydrocarbons (a fossil fuel derivative) and it takes energy (fossil fuels) to make them, transport them, recycle and dispose of them. Get this: if we don't stop, it is unlikely that we can keep the global temperature rise below the crucial 1.5C.
Recyclable doesn’t mean recycled. Only a small percentage makes it through. The rest lands up in our oceans, beaches and landfill. And that doesn’t account for what can’t be recycled at all.
We’ve all seen the unspeakable things plastic waste does to wildlife. Reason enough.
Ok got it. So how do I take action?
If you’re yet to get yours, the easiest thing is to nip down to your local supermarket and choose the cup and bottle you like, most stock loads to choose from. Main thing is to buy one.
Given that it’s easy to get boggled by choice it can be helpful to ask yourself:
Cup: Do I want it sturdy and spillproof or do I want it collapsible and easy to stuff into my bag?
Bottle: Do I want it one-handed and easy carry or do I want my drinks to stay cold or hot?
Here are some examples:
But will it cost me more money?
Yes, upfront, but you’ll be saving it in no time. Plus, lots of coffee shops do significant discounts when you bring your own (and if they don’t it’s worth asking them to).
We found…
…that we sometimes left the house without ours! And because we now refuse to buy anything throwaway no matter what that means we go around gasping all day. Here’s the mantra we use to remember now: Keys, Wallet, Phone, CUP.
“The earth is our home.
We can’t keep it keep trashing it. Right?”
It’s serious. So let’s make some serious noise.
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