Why? Because when we do drive, we can fine tune for energy efficiency
Driving at 85mph uses 40% more fuel than at 70mph!
The fact is that for many of us some degree of driving will likely be essential. And even while we wait for top notch, cheaper public transport and electric/energy efficient vehicles to become mainstream, there are shifts we can make right now that nudge things in the right direction.
Of course there’s getting into the vital macro habits of not hopping into a car more than is necessary and trying to avoid driving solo, for short distances or during rush hour. But the way we drive also has a big impact on the amount of fuel our cars use and how much CO2 they emit. Good driving behaviour can really help us increase the efficiency of our vehicles by as much as 20-30%. That’s sizeable!
Ok got it. So how do I take action?
Here’s a quick checklist for peak driving efficiency:
Drive smoothly - avoid braking or accelerating hard.
The best fuel economy is 55-65mph. Any faster and fuel efficiency decreases rapidly.
Keep your tyres at the recommended pressure. Under-inflated tyres can increase fuel consumption by up to 3%. Change your oil regularly. Service often for longevity.
Unload heavy stuff from the boot and remove roof racks or boxes when you’re not using them. Fuel up little and often, vs. having a heavy full tank.
Change up a gear before you reach 2,500 revs in a petrol car or 2,000 in a diesel car. You could achieve a 15% fuel saving.
If your car hasn’t got start-stop technology, and you’re motionless for any longer than 10 seconds, it’s more fuel efficient to switch off the engine than to idle.
Car heaters don't, in general, use much fuel as they recycle heat from the engine, but air-conditioning does. If it’s not sweltering, roll the window down in slow traffic (or just a crack if you’re driving over 40mph).
But will it cost me more money?
Nope, you’ll save.
Aimee: I need to take my foot off the gas...I love ramping up speed on the motorway, listening to my tunes. I need to stick with 70mph...tops. Gah.
Sonia: I’m rubbish at car maintenance, need to get sharper on checking tyre pressures and keeping on top of servicing. Windows down, wind in my hair, THAT I can do.
“Vroom, vroom, why don’t we make sure we stall
Photo: Why Kei