Why? Because if the CEE bill becomes law it will be the single most significant change we can contribute to.
UK Net Zero by 2050 with current emission targets and strategies is fantasy.
This week saw the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE) tabled in Parliament. Why is that SO important?
Because if passed, it would legally require the UK Government to accelerate and extend the reach of it’s climate/ecological duty, giving us a fighting chance of actually achieving what we need to. This is it, a chance of critical clout. Without getting too embroiled in the science, the imperative is to limit the global average temperature rise to 1.5 degrees (beyond which = hell on earth). To do that, as a planet, we have to be net zero by 2050. The UK is woefully behind schedule (i.e pack our bags and go home). This bill would bring it straight. Legally.
In a nutshell, the CEE Bill - prepared by a team of scientists, academics, lawyers and campaigners working together - calls for the UK to:
Make and enact a serious plan with immediate effect.
Deal with our real fair share of emissions, including those that are a result of goods manufactured abroad for the UK. A staggering 46 percent are unaccounted for.
Actively conserve and restore nature and soils here in the UK as well as ending the damage to nature caused by our overseas supply chains.
Quit depending on carbon capture technologies to get us out of this.
Create a “Citizens Assembly” so the people can have a real say in the way forward.
Wouldn’t all of that be good?
Yes! So how can we influence this?
This is where it gets exciting, because we really can influence this. Taking it through Parliament will be a hard-won process, but it’s been done before. Now it’s been tabled, it will need a majority in the Commons before being passed into law. This is where we come in. We need to tell (insist, politely demand) our MP’s that we want them to back the bill.
Sound like a hassle? No more! We’ve made it easy. Start to finish in less than 2 minutes. Instructions here.
Done and Done! We’ve made a critical difference for us and generations, hurrah!
This short video is great for more context. To be kept posted on progress on the bill you can also sign up here.
Aimee: As I put in my email to my MP: “I honestly don’t believe there is anything more serious in our lifetime that we should be influencing here - this is what really matters - and will matter for generations to come.” If we are here to make a difference, this is it. It takes 2 minutes and we can stand proud that we have made our voice heard. I’m not one to beg but, honestly, please just do this.
Sonia: Done and Done. Fingers Crossed!!!!!!!!! (I am not keen on exclamation marks so that should convey my depth of feeling about this!!!!!!)
“We can. Because we can. ”