Why? Because water is a precious and diminishing resource.
From 2025 a new SOURCE of water will be needed in the UK
Believe it or not, despite what can seem like constant rain, parts of the UK are classified as seriously water stressed (!). A combination of population growth and yes, you guessed it, climate change, means there could be a shortfall, with lots of us suffering regular water shortages and droughts. In London alone, if we don’t do anything to curb our usage now, the shortfall is predicted to be c.400 million litres a day by 2040.
So we’ve got to do whatever we can to make sure we’re not squandering it. The water authorities have brilliantly swung into action, sorting meters (which really help) and making a bunch of great freebies available to help us do just that. Hurrah.
Great, so where do we get those?
Head here, put in your postcode and order what you need. It’s that easy!
Here’s what Sonia got in the post:
Some quick stats:
31% of our home water use comes from our bath and showers; 23% from flushing. So we can make some big savings here, using the stuff that they provide.
Water-saving showerhead - reduces annual water consumption by 22,000 litres for a family of four.
Shower timer - 1 minute off your shower saves 10 litres of water each time.
Save-a-flush - saves 1 litre with every flush (these are for single flush toilets).
Have something to ask or share with everyone? Please post it in the box below. And…is there something you’re proud of, big or small (kitchen towels ditched, insulation ordered)? Email us, so we can feature you on our Weekly Shout Out. It’s a real boost for everyone!
Will it cost me more money?
Nope, you’ll save. And it’s a double win because when we conserve water, we also save on the energy to heat it. With a water-saving showerhead, shower timer, save-a-flush and tap inserts, a family of four could save up to £165 a year on metered water and energy. Nice!
Aimee: I can’t believe this stuff is being given out for free - brilliant! South East Water are also giving out discounted water butts for the garden so given my new found love for veggie growing, I’ll order one of those in time for next summer.
Sonia: I’ve got a bit lax with my shorter showers lately…now with the timer fixed in the shower, I’ve can’t pretend it’s only been 2 minutes. Rats. But self-deception asides, truly I love it, this is all great stuff! Nice work Thames Water.
“A willful waste is a woeful want”
Photo: Laura Marques