Why? Because we’ve got too much stuff already
On Black Friday sale volumes go up by 1500% with shoppers in the US in 2018 spending more than $717bn.
If a Martian were to land on earth on Black Friday to be confronted by shoppers trampling on each other to get into a store, that would be one of the most accurate snapshots of what’s gone wrong with our planet and the fastest ever recorded exit by a Martian.
Black Friday has become one of the major peaks of consumerism. While some people will legitimately wait for Black Friday for something they need or can’t afford the full price on, many are lured in by the super-cheap tempting deals for no other reason than that they’re available. And most end up as next year’s landfill. The planet can literally not survive this frenzied consumer free-for-all. As Greenpeace UK’s Oceans Campaigner puts it “Even free stuff has a price, and our oceans, forests and wildlife are paying their share of that price, even when you aren’t.”
Perhaps Black Friday is a chance for us to pause, slow down and reset our compass towards a more life-affirming way of being…shopping less, wanting less and living more.
Ok got it. So how do I take action?
This is the easiest action we’ve had so far because we all get to do nothing!
Here’s some of the coolest lets-stop-the-shop initiatives we’ve found.
Buy Nothing Day launched in Canada in 1992 is now in 65 countries around the world
REI will for its fifth year running, close its stores, cease processing online payments, and pay all of its 13,000-plus employees to ‘Opt Outside’ for a day enjoying nature instead.
Patagonia made headlines in 2016 when it donated 100% of proceeds from purchases on Black Friday to nonprofit environmental groups.
If, however, you’ve been waiting to get a good deal on something expensive like electronics - check the energy rating certificates and aim for the best rating you can afford. Shockingly some of the most covetable ones come out with the worst efficiency. Check, double-check, decide.
And, best you can, support your local independent shops. They might not be able to compete with the big retailer price cuts, but your choice helps keep a livelihood and a high street alive.
But will it cost me more money?
Pass the calculator please.
£0 + £0 = £0.
And the planet is better off too. Woo!
Aimee: Gadgets are my achilles heel - I LOVE them, then tire of them quickly and sell them on Ebay. So I’ve set a new goal of mindfully buying things that add to my life in an enduring way.
Sonia: I’ve always hated Black Friday. The End.
“I want it all. I want it all. I want it now.
Or do I?